miércoles, 29 de octubre de 2008

Canción para escuchar en Instituto

This video has been downloaded from YouTube with RealPlayer. Then, I uploaded it to Blip.tv, and inserted it in this entry.

Click here for the lyrics.

Students' presentations in class

This entry is dedicated to your class presentations.

I've been thinking, and I've reached the conclusion that it's better to have your presentations in our weblog, instead of sending them to you one by one.

This way you can have access to them in a very easy way and you don't have to classify them in your mail space.

Click here to see Ainhoa and Sonia's presentation.

Click here to see Uxue and Andrea's presentation.

Click here to see Irantzu and Uxue's presentation.

jueves, 23 de octubre de 2008

miércoles, 22 de octubre de 2008

Video uploaded by Vixy conversion


Enter Vixy.net
You find a video in YouTube, for example, and you want to have it in your computer or pendrive.
First, you have to convert the video and give it the right format. This is what vixy.net does for you.
You insert the URL adress of the video you want in vixy.net.
Vixy.net converts the format.
You download it in your computer or external device.
Go to your blog
Use the icon for videos in the top menu of your entry and
Click "Examinar" to search for the video and
Insert the video accepting the conditions.

This process is more complicated than getting the code of the video directly from YouTube and inserting it in your entry, but this way, you can own the video and use it whenever you need it. In YouTube information changes very fast and sometimes videos disappear.

Alejandro Sanz recitando a Pablo Neruda

miércoles, 15 de octubre de 2008

Subir archivos MP3 a blog

María Dolores Pradera - Gracias a la vida

Ésta es una prueba para colgar un archivo MP3, que he realizado mediante el servicio en línea para archivos de audio y vídeo Blip.tv. El próximo día de clase intentaremos subir otro archivo grabado por una alumna para una asignatura de su carrera. Y así reforzaremos esta aplicación.

Éste es un nuevo archivo MP3: Celia Cruz - Guantanamera.